"Isaac Asimov's Treasure of Humor"から *28

Treasury of Humor

Treasury of Humor


The great man-and-wife acting team of Alfled Lunt and Lynn Fon-
tanne made just one motion picture, The Guardsman. On the day of
the premiere, Lunt was sick in bed and couldn't go. Miss Fontanne
went alone and returned, distraught.
She was already talking as she came in, and almost weeping with
"Alfred," she said, "it was a total disaster. I cannot imagine what
the photographer can have been thinking of, or the director. For
some reason I came out as an ugly witch, with my makeup all wrong,
my cheeks cadaverous, my hair a mess. The sound system managed
to make my voice sound half a squeak and half a groan. You at least
were fine in every respect, except for a tendency to have thin lips for
some reason, but I was impossible. The close-ups were my nostrils,
or else my eyelashes cast such shadows that I looked as though I had
large bags under both eyes. I shall certainly never be able to hold up
my head again in public and I intend to go into retirement at once."
And, thoughtfully, Lunt said, "Thin lips, eh?"


